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About The Engagement

Cognosos has created the next generation of real-time locating systems (RTLS) using a combination of inexpensive BLE hardware and an advanced AI platform. This powerful combination of hardware and software provides hospitals and healthcare facilities with room-level-accurate asset location data, and a seamless installation process to deliver powerful RTLS at a fraction of the cost of legacy systems. While Cognosos’ product was being sold into other industries in need of asset tracking, the company was making a new foray into healthcare systems. They knew they needed help creating brand awareness and establishing the company as a thought leader in the healthcare space, where their name was largely unknown. Looking for a content marketing firm specializing in healthcare, Cognosos came to Right Source for healthcare marketing expertise. After creating a strategy and plan, our teams jumped into execution creating regular top-of-funnel content, guides and white papers, social media promotion, and have launched paid search and social to enhance promotion.

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