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From the Trenches

Meet the New Website. Same as the Old Website?

Mike Sweeney | October 7, 2015
Meet the New Website. Same as the Old Website?

I’ll admit it. I’ve been known to ridicule companies, in particular business-to-business services companies, for treating their website launch as if they just unveiled the Apple iPhone 6S to the world.

After all, the typical website launch is not in any way newsworthy. Yay — you changed your look and feel. Yippee — you have a new logo. Super — your site is now mobile friendly.

Let me retire my naturally cynical side for a moment, though. When your new website represents far more than just a website, maybe it’s ok to make a little noise, especially to those who truly care about your company — your employees, your clients, your partners, and, of course, your friends and family. (Hi, Mom. I’m on TV… umm… or in a blog post.)

So, as you may have figured out already, Right Source Marketing launched its new website a couple weeks ago, and I am extremely proud of it. While a portion of the pride comes from the bells and whistles like design and site structure, the overwhelming majority of the pride stems from the following: we finally have a website that represents who we truly are today, and provides a glimpse into what we hope to become tomorrow.

Here are just a few highlights.

We’re ok with not being everything to everyone.
There are those of us who think they can do or achieve anything, if they just put their minds to it. That holds for companies, too — some companies simply think they can do just about anything better than other companies. Some might call it confidence, others might call it cockiness, but there is absolutely nothing inherently wrong with that attitude.

Sometimes, though, when you’re good at lots of things and make sure you tell people that you’re good at lots of things, they begin to disassociate you with the thing you might do best.

Have a look at our services page. There are five categories listed there — probably seems like a lot. But we know where our bread is buttered, and those things come first — we’re brilliant marketing strategists, and we kick the crap out of just about anyone else on the content marketing front. That is who we’ve been, that is who we are, and that is who we will be for the foreseeable future.

Yes, we do plenty of design work. And we have a rapidly growing practice tied to helping companies use marketing technology for their greatest benefit. But everything we do starts with strategy and planning, and all of our marketing programs are driven by content.

Our people are the heart and soul of our company.
I’m biased, but I believe we have one of the best teams of modern marketers in the small world of marketing firms. Without our people, Right Source is nothing. At the end of the day, what we offer our clients is one part strategy and methodology, and two parts smart, talented, hard-working people who deliver exceptional results.

With the new website, we’ve taken some small steps towards showcasing our people, and more of that is on its way. You can now see the common values that tie us together and serve as our collective guide, as well as a bit more about the role of each Right Sourcer, and what keeps each individual coming back for more.

We believe that you should give before you get.
There is no question that — for Right Source — an educated client makes for a better client. And because we believe in that, we invest an inordinate amount of time, money, and other resources into creating some of the best educational content in the industry.

Want to learn about how to build a content marketing plan? We’ve got you covered. Trying to figure out if you need to license a marketing automation platform? We can help. Or maybe you’re just looking to produce the best blog post possible? Look no further.

And now, we have all of this material — eBooks, webinars, blog posts, checklists, case studies, and more — organized in an easy-to-use resource center.

Sometimes you gotta show, sometimes you gotta tell. Sometimes both.
Generally speaking, a company searching for a marketing partner wants to know who you are, what you do, and who you do it for. Previous iterations of our website have done a not-even-mediocre job of showcasing the clients we work for, and what type of work we do for them. Mea culpa.

Things have changed. The new Our Work section not only references clients by name, but also shows the categories of work we do for them and puts a spotlight on particular content, design, and strategy pieces we’ve produced on the client’s behalf. And while typical marketing firms only show samples of pretty, designey things they’ve built, our focus on content compelled us to give the user the opportunity to also read most of the client work we feature, as well.

Enjoy and let us know what you think.
We’re thrilled with the way the new website turned out, and are already at work on Phase II, which will include some features that we couldn’t sneak into Phase I. So go ahead and give us the good, the bad, and the ugly. We want the feedback.

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About Mike Sweeney:

As Right Source’s co-founder and CEO, Mike Sweeney creates, plans, and implements our vision, mission, culture, and strategic direction as well as serving as an advisor to our clients. Mike received a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a major in marketing from the University of Notre Dame and has more than 20 years of experience in B2B marketing strategy, including digital, content, and marketing technology. You can find Mike on LinkedIn.