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From the Trenches

Why Modern Marketers Are Using Interactive Content

Right Source | June 22, 2018

When you think of interactive content, you’re probably imagining BuzzFeed Quizzes that promise to predict your future after you select the three bowls of cereal that most closely reflect your personality.

(Find out here)

However, marketers are using interactive content today — from quizzes and to assessments to ROI calculators and interactive video — to drive important marketing activities that have a dynamic impact on the company bottom line.

What is Interactive Content?

Interactive content requires the participant’s active engagement. For their engagement with your content, your audience receives a dynamic experience, and often real-time, personalized results and follow-up content.

But here’s the most important part about interactive content: It works because it is built on a “give to get” model where marketers design an experience for their audience, who in exchange offer their information.This two-way value exchange means your audience is willing to provide more information for content that is targeted for them specifically.

Why are Marketers Using Interactive Content?

The simple answer? Because it is more effective at providing results for marketers who are struggling to interest and engage their audience in an oversaturated digital environment.

In a world where most everyone is creating content, it has become increasingly difficult to get your message to break through and resonate with the right audience. Interactive content puts gas in the old marketing machine and powers a process that centers your audience’s experience.

According to the Content Marketing Institute:

  • 79% of content marketers agree that interactive content enhances retention of brand messaging when combined with traditional marketing tactics.
  • 75% of content marketers plan to increase their usage of interactive content in the upcoming year.
Interactive Content in Action

Interactive content can be a powerful tool in the modern marketer’s toolkit.

But it shouldn’t be just one cool calculator that you build, send out via email, and then never think of again, chalking up your efforts to “well, we gave it a go!”

Interactive content works best when it supports all of the broader marketing activities you already do to engage your audience and deliver on your message, and throughout the entire buyer journey.

In the image below, you can see interactive content woven into the different stages of a buyer journey as a continuous campaign — from top-of-funnel awareness though the decisions and advocacy.


Want to learn more about how marketers are using interactive content? Explore our interactive infographic here,  or learn how to create remarkable content in many formats in our eBook below!

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