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From the Trenches

5 Ways an Outsourced MarTech Expert Can Maximize Your Tech ROI

Right Source | February 7, 2019

As a savvy business leader, you’ve worked hard to build a team of passionate markers. And you’ve armed them with the tools and technology they need to work more efficiently and really connect with your customers. It’s the perfect recipe for a goal-crushing year, right?

So why aren’t you hitting your lead generation, sales, and revenue numbers?

We’ve talked about it before — simply cutting a check for the latest and greatest marketing tools isn’t enough. While 63 percent of the most successful B2B companies have implemented a marketing automation system, according to the Content Marketing Institute Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report, just setting it up isn’t likely to spell success for your marketing efforts.

How can you maximize your investment so that you can compete and market better than the next guy (who likely has similar tools)?

Your first answer might be to go out and hire a crackerjack marketing technology specialist. But full-time employees are expensive, and you might not need just one person. Even if you do have the budget, getting the most from your technology isn’t necessarily best achieved with full-time employees. An outsourced marketing specialist just may be the answer to your automation woes and meager leads.

Here are five ways an outsourced marketing technology expert can complement your internal marketing team and help you get the most from your tools.

1. Marketing technology experts are specialized

There’s a reason marketing technology budgets are on the rise. When optimized and used to its full capacity, marketing technology can boost leads and conversion. But that optimization takes experience to achieve. Outside experts can provide you with the exact support you need to address a problem or improve processes and flows. While you might only be able to afford a mid-level marketing technology staffer (who may or may not be able to truly solve your problems), outsourcing allows you to bring in the big guns to address specific issues. Get (and only pay for) exactly what you need. Nothing more. And if you have a one-off or unexpected technology problem, they’re available to troubleshoot.

2. An expert can empower your team with marketing technology training

Business leaders and marketers often reach out to my team when they need help with marketing technology implementation, integration, migration, and optimization. But, specialized expert help can be an important resource to grow marketing teams – arming them with the knowledge and skills they need to maintain your technology on a day-to-day basis. How will that actually help you hit your lead generation goals and delight your sales team? Too many companies count on employees to figure out the intricacies of marketing technology on their own. But think about how your ROI will improve when they truly understand how to use it!

3. Experienced MarTech specialists can help establish goal-based processes and customization

The beauty of marketing technology is that it can be tailored to fit your needs and target your specific audience based on their industry, roles, and behaviors. But while customization is important, more often than not, the way I see many teams implementing and using their technology doesn’t necessarily line up with their unique goals and business objectives.

An experienced specialist has a 365-degree view of your marketing technology, bringing with them their exposure to dozens of different processes, lead flows, and sales and marketing approaches. In other words, an internal staffer may have experimented two to three times with various processes and customization, while a specialist, who deals specifically with your technology, will have a broader view – often handling upwards of 50 different scenarios.

4. Marketing technology experts can provide powerful data access and interpretation

If you’re not consistently measuring results and adjusting your strategy, you’re missing out on opportunities to understand your audience and connect with them on a deeper level. Marketing technology experts can offer your team the tools and integration required to not only dig into your data but interpret it. And they can also take a step back and look at your data from a non-biased perspective, suggesting ways to set up your analytics so you can view data more objectively and capitalize on big opportunities.

While reliable analytics will give you the information you need to serve your customers more targeted, relevant messaging, it also provides you with the information you need to prove marketing value across your organization. (Hello, valuable charts and impressive PowerPoint slides).

5. MarTech experts can save you money by improving database quality and mailability

While you keep your nurtures, newsletters, and prospecting emails rolling, your automation and database require regular maintenance and health checks. Dig up the contract for your marketing automation platform and you’ll see you likely pay more or less depending on the number of records in your database. By enlisting specialized MarTech experts to help you clean up unsubscribes, duplicate records, and bounces, you’ll get a more accurate view of the quality of your database while saving money come contract renewal time.

Recently, our Right Source team increased the mailability of one of our client’s databases from 43 percent to 99.9 percent, reducing their records by more than 340,000 (and saving them tens of thousands of dollars).

Your marketing team is busier than ever. But by giving them the support, training, and setup they need to really maximize your investment in technology, you can hit your lead generation goals and validate the ways marketing contributed to revenue with measurable data. More importantly, you’ll get the return you’re after on your marketing technology investment while gaining the data you need to prove marketing value to your stakeholders.

Not sure if you should outsource marketing technology to a specialized expert? Learn how other companies are complementing their internal teams and whether outsourcing might be a good fit for your company. Download our eBook: Insource, Outsource, or Hybrid – How to Build the Most Effective Marketing Team.

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The Marketing Trenches blog provides thought leadership from actual marketing practitioners, not from professional thought leaders. Designed to help business leaders make more educated marketing decisions, our insights come directly from our experience in the trenches. You can find more from Right Source on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and LinkedIn.