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Resource: Case Study


Case Study

Cognosos Case StudyCognosos makes it easy for companies to track assets in real time — a critical need for hospitals everywhere. In order to communicate their key differentiators and articulate their value to leaders in the healthcare space, Cognosos needed strategic messaging and remarkable content that told a compelling story while also supporting decision makers on their buying journey. 

With a small in-house marketing team, Cognosos knew they needed a deeper bench to successfully break into a competitive industry. Recognizing Right Source’s expertise in creating and distributing healthcare content, Cognosos enlisted the team to help boost the company’s brand awareness and set its product apart in the crowded market. 

Some of the highlights from this partnership include:

  • Overall website users increased by 653%
  • Users to the website through organic social media increased 411%
  • The Cognosos website now ranks for over 322 keywords, including competitive RTLS- and healthcare-focused keywords

Want to see more? Download our case study to learn how Right Source helped Cognosos break into the healthcare space.