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From the Trenches

Content Marketing: Unlock The Power of Your Content as a Marketing Tool

Right Source | April 29, 2010
The Online Conversation | credit: Brian Solis

Recently, I was part of a group discussion focused around content marketing, and had the opportunity to walk the group through an overview of content marketing. One of the first things to cover was simple enough – and Mike had actually blogged about this recently: What is Content Marketing and Why is it Hot?

We then went through a few research statistics around the growth of content marketing, some content marketing strategies and tactics, and ways to measure your efforts. It was a great session, I got a lot out of the other presenters and I think everyone received good feedback from the group as a whole. I’ve included a copy of my slides below for those of you that may be interested.

We’re heavily immersed in content marketing, both for ourselves and on behalf of our clients. And I’m proud to say that this blog was recently ranked in the Top 100 on Junta42’s Top Content Marketing Blogs. And yes – I’ll admit, it’s pretty cool to be just one slot behind Seth Godin.

I’m often asked why we are such big supporters of content marketing. Here’s a quick set of statistics that will put things into perspective:

According to the Custom Publishing Council and Roper Public Affairs, 80% of business decision makers prefer to get company information in a series of articles versus an advertisement. 70% say content marketing makes them feel closer to the sponsoring company, while 60% say that company content helps them make better product decisions.

We all know that the age where you can shout at an audience to buy something is over. Buyers want to educate themselves, and using your content to provide that education and let them make more informed product decisions (as outlined above) is critical to your success. While this is true across all channels, it’s especially so in the B2B environment.

A good content marketing strategy is so powerful because it runs across multiple channels – blogging, email marketing, search engines, social media (You can’t say much more than headlines here without solid content to take people to!), white papers, testimonials and on and on. Mike talked about this in previous posts B2B Lead Generation Step #5: Take a Content Inventory and B2B Lead Generation Step 6: Build a Content Roadmap and each of them is worth a read (or re-read).

The point is, that for many businesses, content is your best asset. Whether on your own or by engaging outside help, make sure you have a content marketing strategy and plan in place to unlock that content rather than keeping it siloed in your website.

Content Marketing – Unlock The Power of Your Content as a Marketing Tool

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